What Kind of Junk Collector Are You?

Are you a practical junk collector, or a sentimental junk collector? When you walk into a room, all clutter may look the same. But categorizing clutter is the first step in overcoming the mess.

Practical Clutter

We all have a junk drawer filled with expired coupons and safety pins, a closet of clothes we’ll “fit into one day,” and a garage full of DIY materials for those someday projects. But how much of that stuff is actually useful? It’s easy to tuck something away because you’re sure you’ll need it one day. But if one day never comes, that useful stuff becomes junk. It’s time to sort through your tools, materials, and fixer uppers to determine what’s actually practical, and what’s gotta go.

Sentimental Stuff

model car collectionWe’ve all been there. You know that box of memorabilia isn’t useful, but when you go to throw it out, you’re tugged down memory lane. You feel guilty when you try to donate your late Grandmother’s collection of antique plates, even though you have no use for them. And isn’t it rude to regift? Getting rid of sentimental clutter is hard, but it can be done. Instead of boxing up everything at once, sort through items a category at a time. Some stuff may fetch a few bucks on Ebay, but chances are there’s a lot of junk in your collection. First find heirlooms a new home. Then call us so you can rest assured that every item that can’t be donated will be recycled.

Whether you’re hauling boxes of stuff, old and battered furniture, or high quality items that need a new home, Mr. Junk has your clutter covered. Call today to schedule junk removal in Kennesaw.