Easter is a time of renewal. Each year we see the dead land come back to life in a burst of birdsongs and flower blossoms. And every March we dig into spring cleaning, leaving behind the trappings of the past that only hold us back. Get your home holiday ready with these 4 Easter cleaning tips.
Easter Cleaning
Is your home ready for that annual post-church potluck? Get your home ready for Easter by completing these simple tasks.
- Start outside. After a hot and cold winter, every home in Atlanta has straggly bushes, abandoned yard equipment, and lawn furniture that could use a good cleaning. Get the kids gathering yard debris that might get in the way during the annual Easter egg hunt. Pick up rakes, shovels, hoes, and other lawn equipment that might injure kids playing in the yard. Hose down outdoor furniture or ask your spouse to clean it more thoroughly.
Walk through the house as if you were a guest. If you just can’t see the junk you’ve trained your eye to ignore, ask a trusted friend to walk through it with you. Put away anything that catches the eye. Better yet, toss it in the recycling. Because really, who needs a stack of magazines dating back to 2002?
- Plan your party. Is your Easter dinner taking place outside by the firepit or in the formal dining room? Will your mother-in-law insist on helping in the kitchen, or can you get away with cluttered cabinets for another week? Prioritize home organization based on where guests will spend the most time.
- Think ahead. You’re frantically pawing through boxes of bunnies and pastels for that one figurine your sister gave you 10 years ago. Take a breather and use this opportunity. Chances are you never touch half of the cutesy spring rabbits and ornamental eggs in your decorating bin. Organize as you go. Grab a bag for broken easter eggs, and sort the plastic ones as you stuff them. Then call Mr. Junk to haul away old decorations along with those branches from winter pruning.
A decluttered house is an organized house. Call Mr. Junk to haul away the unwanted junk you’ve collected over the years.