Cleaning Out a Late Loved One’s Home

Losing a loved one is an overwhelming experience. Grief, funeral arrangements, and financial concerns far exceed the 24-48 hours of bereavement most people receive from work. The last thing anyone wants to do is sort through the house of someone they’ve lost. Tackle this physically and emotionally taxing task step-by-step to minimize stress and pain.

How to Clean Out the Home after a Death

sad womanWhether it’s a parent, grandparent, friend, or other loved one who passed away, sorting through their stuff can bring a flood of positive and negative emotions. Organizing the task can help family members do a thorough clean out, even when they’re overwhelmed.

  1. Divide the work. Many times, the take-charge sibling winds up with the daunting task of cleaning out their parents’ home. This can cause increased stress and grief, as well as encouraging troublesome family dynamics. Divide the physical labor of cleaning out a late loved one’s house. Take the home room-by-room or put one sibling on packing duty while another cleans and organizes.
  2. Remember it’s okay to be sentimental. Everyone deals with grief in different ways. Some donate everything to avoid confronting grief, while others refuse to throw away anything. A healthy balance is necessary when cleaning out a late parent’s house. Ask each family member which items they hold dear. Set aside family keepsakes before sorting the rest for donation.
  3. Hire an appraiser. If your family has decided to sell jewellery, antiques, or other costly items, hire an appraiser to advise you on the best way to dissolve assets. Most appraisers charge an hourly fee, so organize the items beforehand.
  4. Be realistic. It’s okay to hang onto photos, souvenirs, and family heirlooms that hold special significance. But don’t fall into the trap of keeping everything. After setting aside the items you or a family member would like to keep, sort the rest for donation.

Mr. Junk donates or recycles hauled items whenever possible. Call us to remove broken appliances, old furniture, and other items you won’t pass on to other family members.

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