Mr. Junk Offers Attic Clean-Outs

When is the last time you really cleaned out your attic? Or better yet, when was the last time you were in your attic?

old attic

photo from flickr

Most people use their attics for the same reason, to store away all the JUNK that we don’t want to throw away but don’t want “in the house”. You know, grandma’s mink coat, old Halloween costumes, decorations, etc. Those who are fortunate enough to have an attic can avoid adding to their monthly spending by utilizing the extra space and not needing to rent out storage units. But there is one thing those public storage units get that the average attic doesn’t. A deep clean!

It may seem excessive to think that your attic needs as good a cleaning as the rest of the house, but trust us, it’s well worth it! Attic mold can not only ruin your belongings but also make you and your family ill. Because the average attitude toward attics tend to be, “store it and forget it” the likelihood that cleaning them on a monthly TO DO list is slim. That’s why it’s important to take preventative measures to avoid facing a larger, messier, moldy problem later on! But cleaning out the attic? It’s such a big task!

Have no fear, Mr. Junk is here! We will quickly and easily remove your attic clutter, giving you a streamlined space for optimal storage. The more organized, open, and ventilated your attic, the less likely it is to collect mold spores, and the healthier you and your family will be. From general waste and old clothes to unused appliances and furniture, if it’s taking up space in your attic, we’ll haul it out! Choosing Mr. Junk junk removal will ensure you are getting the best service for the best price. And since we genuinely care about our customers, you know we will work hard to make sure you are satisfied.

Let Mr. Junk clean out your attic and give you peace of mind all at once.


From Clunker to Cash: Recycling Your Junk Car

junk car removalIt’s happened again.
You’re late for work because your piece of junk car puttered out on you once again. Now you’re stuck on the side of the highway, probably swearing at your less-than-reliable ride, and you’re making a vow to FINALLY kick it to the curb (pun intended) and upgrade to something that won’t leave you high and dry. Done. Decision made. But now what do you do with your old clunker?


I know it sounds a little strange to have cars and recycling in the same sentence. Shouldn’t we be talking about plastic bottles and cardboard boxes instead? The truth is, around 98% of your old car can be recycled. Hard to believe, right? Take a step back and look at all the possibilities within that old car. The metal can be melted down and reused, as can the glass and plastic. Rubber from the tires can be reused. Liquids in the engine can be neutralized and reused. See what I mean, just about everything! To give you an idea of what type of an impact that has, consider this: every year the scrap industry processes around 145 MILLION tons of recyclable material into raw materials. These raw materials are then used for industrial manufacturing. So in a sense, by recycling your old car could be helping someone else buy a new one! Nearly 100% of cars manufactured around the world are, in some part, made of recycled material, and if that isn’t impressive enough, the scrap industry contributes over $65 BILLION to the US economy.

I’d say that’s enough of a reason to say YES to recycling. But if you’re still not convinced, know that the average person receives between $150 and $500. Now you’re definitely interested.

So, if you’re car has kicked the gas-guzzling bucket, you can count on Mr. Junk for your junk removal needs. We proudly provide all types of junk pickup in Woodstock, Canton, Roswell, Kennesaw, Marietta, and Acworth Georgia. No one in the metro Atlanta area will take care of you and your JUNK like us. We are fast, we are hassle-free, and above all else we are 100% about YOU, the customer.


Homemade Cleaners for Sparkling Homes

After clearing out all your unwanted junk, there’s nothing better than giving the place it once resided a deep clean. In fact, there’s nothing better than stepping back to admire a spotless post-junk house! Actually, I take that back. There is something better.

Stepping back to admire a junk-free, spotlessly clean house that doesn’t smell of bleach and other harsh chemicals.

While every grocery store has shelves stocked with cleaners that pack a powerful punch, they also can leave you with some nasty after effects. Headaches from the fumes and bleach spots on clothes are bad enough, and I don’t even want to think about what would happen if a pet or small child got into them. Thankfully there are easy-to-make alternatives that will not only clean like the big boys but are also natural, inexpensive, and environmentally safe.

For an all-purpose cleaner, mix 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water in a spray bottle. For most messes a simple spray and scrub will do the trick but for tough jobs, warm the mixture first. Spray on the designated area and let sit before scrubbing.

natural cleaner ingredientsAfter Mr. Junk removes one of your big appliances like an old refrigerator or oven, the floors are going to need a little TLC. Combine 1/4 cup dish soap, 1/2 cup white vinegar, and 2 gallons of warm water in a large bucket or straight into the sink. (you can also substitute lemon juice for the vinegar). A mop and a little elbow grease and your floor will shine like new!

For sinks and bathtubs, create a paste with baking soda, a squirt of dish soap, and a squeeze of lemon. Scrub with a cloth or sponge or allow to sit for 10-15 minutes for some of your more angry messes.

I’d venture to guess that you have all of these ingredients in your pantry at this very moment! So after you have us haul away your unwanted furniture, appliances, and other waste, make your surfaces shine with these natural homemade recipes.


image from flickr.

Taking Baby Steps During A Big Move

Moving can be a stressful and life-altering time for a family, especially one with small children. While you might be eager to get things packed, hauled, and settled in to your new home, your little one might need some additional TLC for a smooth and tear-free transition. Since children two to five years old are creatures of habit a significant uprooting, especially one that will take them to a new school or even a new state, is like breaking the world’s biggest habit. At least in their eyes. Using these simple strategies may help with the transition as your munchkins say good-bye to the old house.

As you’re preparing to move, amidst the boxes and packing tape, take some time to ‘tour’ the inside and outside of your home. As you’re strolling down memory lane, encourage the kids to point out their favorite things about the house. Maybe spaghetti sauce stain on the kitchen rug will remind them of the impromptu food fight you had last summer. Or what about that corner of carpet behind the couch that the bunny chewed upon Thanksgiving morning. Bring a camera with you to take pictures of, well EVERYTHING!  It will come in handy later if and when the kids miss the old house. You can even make a good-bye scrapbook with pictures of the kids in different places around the house. Then use the scrapbook to find similarities between the old and new house as you settle in after the move. Oh look, this new house has holly bushes along the front porch too!

Kids have a tendency to feel anxiety over ‘unfinished’ projects so to avoid it, set aside a special time for your kids to say goodbye. Whether it’s hosting a neighborhood pot luck or scheduling a special playdate with their best friends, allowing your kids to take a defined moment to say goodbye will help them accept the big change. Once these good-byes have been made, create a fun story for the future of friends. Maybe encourage your kids by assuring them that their neighborhood friends will make sure the new owner takes good care of their favorite tire swing, just like they will take care of the new house that another family once loved.

Lastly, never forget at least one momento from the old house. Whether it’s a spare key, a patch of their bedroom wallpaper (both of which you can frame in a general location of the new house), or my personal favorite, a favorite plant or flower from the yard (to plant at the new house!), keeping a little piece of the old house will allow your little ones to transition gently into a new space.



Mean Green Organizing Machine

Making the decision to live a ‘greener’ life you have to constantly consider your carbon footprint with every project. From where you’ll buy your produce to what kind of car you’re going to buy and even how to style your home, it’s a big commitment claiming to ‘live green’. That being said, I’d like to offer a few tips on how to clean and organize your home while keeping up with your inner GREEN.

Let’s talk about one of the hardest working appliances in your home, your refrigerator. Take a look on the top of your frig. Along with a dust bunny hideaway it has probably become home to things like cereal boxes, cases of soda, or tubs or tupperware. Time to post an eviction notice! Pile ups can actually prevent heat from venting properly and will actually cause broom closeupyour refrigerator to use more energy. It’s also important to keep the back coils and bottom grill clear of dust and food particles to help reduce unnecessary energy usage.

Moving onto the bathroom. There is nothing more frustrating than getting to the end of the bar of soap and submitting to the decision to just buy a new bar instead of struggle to get any kind of lather out of unbelievably small pieces. You know you could manage a half a dozen more showers but it’s nearly impossible to handle such tiny pieces of soap. Next time, stuff those tiny pieces into your loofa. A little water and a a good scrub and you’ll get enough suds to make those small pieces last.

Finally, avoid buying expensive dusters and instead, cover broom bristles with an old pair of nylons. They are the perfect  material to trap dust and dirt, without just pushing things around like brooms often do. And the long handle on the broom makes it a breeze to get those cobwebs in the top corner of a room.

What are some other pieces of green advice you’d give to make your everyday living good for the environment?




Green Up Your Old Car

When it comes to ways to save the environment, many people often think about chucking their current car and purchasing a new hybrid car. That might seem like a good idea at first, but what happens to your current car? Did you know that there are ways to help make your older car more eco-friendly? Here are some great ways to make your car green from your friendly junk removal specialistsLine of old cars

  • Avoid trying to be Steve McQueen. Driving the speed limit saves a lot of gasoline. Not pounding on the accelerator immediately after a stoplight or stop sign will also help keep your mileage steady.
  • Use cruise control to give better gas mileage on the freeway. Setting your cruise control obviously helps maintain your speed, thus keeping you from getting a costly speeding ticket. (However, if you’re driving in a hilly area, turn your cruise control off to avoid high energy surges.)
  • Upgrade your car for better performance by switching to synthetic oils, high-flow air filters and new spark plugs. Some synthetic oils contain energy conserving compounds, and will say so on the label.
  • If you have to upgrade, consider buying a used car. While many newer models do get excellent gas mileage,  purchasing new products typically harms the environment due to the entire production process.
  • While it might be difficult during the sweltering Atlanta summers, try to turn off your A/C and roll down the windows. Air conditioning can drag down your car’s fuel economy by 10 to 20 percent!
  • Keeping your tires inflated increases gas mileage. Purchase a tire pressure gauge and keep it in your car to check the levels periodically.

If you’re due for a car upgrade and need help hauling off your old car or scrap metal and car parts, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Junk. We can provide quick, no-hassle removal of your old car, often within the same day!

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Clean Your Carpet

With busy families, the carpeting in a home can often take a beating. Small children, pets and daily wear and tear can lead to drips, spills and stains, and many parents don’t like the idea of a bunch of harsh cleaning chemicals embedded in their carpets for months or even years to come. Being an eco-friendly junk removal company, we’ve put together a list of ways to keep carpet stains under control without the questionable cleaning products. Photo of dirty carpets

  • All hail the vacuum – The first step in making sure your carpets are clean is to vacuum. Health hazards like dust, mold, pet dander and other allergens build up inside the carpet fibers and can pose long-term health risks. Try sprinkling some baking soda onto your carpets and letting it sit for about 10 minutes before you vacuum. (A great tip before company comes!)
  • Spot clean with a solution of equal parts distilled white vinegar and water. Let it sit for several minutes before cleaning with a brush. Use a sponge with warm soapy water to tackle any remaining stain.
  • Sprinkle a little corn starch on fresh grease stains (think from bicycle tires or dirty work shoes) and let sit for up to 30 minutes. Then, vacuum it up.
  • Club soda works well on stains like coffee and red wine. Apply to the stain and wait a minute or two, then blot (don’t rub!) with a clean white cloth.
  • Rent a steam cleaner. Instead of filling the machine with the commercial cleaning solution, opt for vinegar. Using the solution of equal parts vinegar and water can lift stains, deodorize and disinfect your carpets.

Hopefully, one or all of these options can help solve your pesky carpet stain worries. If not and you’re considering ripping up your old carpet and replacing it, let Mr Junk help! We can haul away your old carpeting or area rugs and even recycle them when possible. To schedule an appointment for carpet removal, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Junk!

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

What’s Lurking in Your Basement?

Hmm, I don’t know, could it beeee JUNK? 

The thought of having to clean out their basement sends some folks screaming for the top floors of their home. Often, basements can get the short end of the housecleaning stick, and clutter and boxes of stuff can easily pile up there when people are busy living their lives. Tackling the basement clutter doesn’t have to be impossible, though. Here are some great ways to get started. Photo of a cluttered basement

Make a Plan

First and foremost, you need to create a plan! By setting down to create a plan of action, you’re setting the course for how long the basement clean-out project will take. Figuring out a timeline early can help you stick to your schedule, and you will be less likely to put it off.

Create Piles

As you’re going through the items in your basement, create piles for “keep”, “junk” and “donate.” Start at one side of the room and work your way around, determining which items will go in each pile. If the overall goal is to pare down your stuff, try your best to have twice as many items in the “junk” and “donate” piles as your “keep” piles.

Old items like clothing, old toys, old working electronics and books can all be worthwhile items for the donation pile, and provide a second home to items that were simply laying around your basement.

Recycle  as Much as Possible

Once you have everything in separate piles, go through and see what can be recycled. Many folks don’t know that paper, cardboard, metals, glass and plastics are all accepted for single-stream recycling. Old newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes, glass food containers and more can all be recycled, and that means fewer garbage bags in the landfills.

If the thought of cleaning out your basement still makes you shudder, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Junk for our basement clean-out and junk removal services. We are fully licensed, insured and environmentally responsible, and can often be available for same-day service. Don’t let the junk rule your life, give Mr Junk a call!

Photo courtesy of Flickr.

What’s The Word – Behind the Word “Junk”

Being in the junk removal services business, every now and then we have to wonder, “where did this junk come from?” More specifically, where did the word “junk” come from? The word “junk” defined is:

1.) Any old or discarded material, as metal, paper, or rags.
2.) Anything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible; trash. Photo of an old ship
Once we started digging, it turns out there’s a pretty interesting history regarding the word junk. The Middle English word jonk origianlly had a very specific meaning in nautical terms. First recorded in 1353, it meant “an old cable or rope.” On a ship it made little sense to throw away useful material, since long amounts of time would pass before one could get new supplies on board. Old cable was used in a variety of ways, including fenders to hang on the side of the ship to protect it from scraping against other ships or docking areas.
Over time, junk came to refer to this old cable as well. The big leap in meaning taken by the word seems to have occurred when junk was applied to discarded but useful material in general. This extension may also have taken place in a nautical context, for the earliest, more generalized use of junk is found in the compound junk shop, referring to a store where old materials from ships were sold. Junk has gone on to mean useless waste as well.
Further still, the word junk has taken on many slang connotations, and it’s now used in a variety of colorful ways. As junk purists, we’re fond of the original definition, and maintain the perspective that junk is not always junk. Sometimes, it can be recycled and re-used in a variety of ways, becoming useful once more. For all your needs regarding junk removal services, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Junk – the true junk purists!
Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Choosing a Reliable Junk Removal Specialist

While Mr Junk is located in Woodstock, GA, we travel everywhere around the Metro Atlanta area offering junk removal and recycling services for residents and commercial customers in and around Atlanta. Every now and then we hear stories from some of our customers about their apprehension when choosing a reliable junk removal specialist. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when hiring a junk removal specialist: Various categories of junk

  • Do they recycle or donate items after the pick-up? Our team recycles and donates everything possible, leaving only true true going to state-approved landfills or transfer stations.
  • Make sure the removal specialists are licensed bonded and insured before entering your home. Just ask – we’ll gladly show you our proof of liability insurance.
  • How quickly does the junk removal company respond to your request? A reliable company should return your query within 48 hours, and show up on time when you make an appointment.
  • Is the company available for follow-up calls? An invitation for an open line of communication is key in selecting a junk removal service. Do they follow-up to ensure the customer’s satisfaction?

Mr Junk is the only junk removal company in metro Atlanta that doesn’t require a minimum pick-up charge, meaning you only pay for what you have, even if it’s a small load. Let us prove to you that our customer service is top-notch. Contact us today for your junk removal services and see the difference for yourself!

Photo courtesy of Flickr.