Leaving old things behind: College edition

collegeIt never hurts to leave old things behind and when the kiddos leave for college is a great time to revamp your home. Don’t be afraid to make room for new home decor. Check out these two things you can do to make the most of moving your kiddo to college.

Pack effectively. If it doesn’t fit, put it in the haul pile for Mr. Junk. If you’ve had it since Freshman year of high school and it now has holes in it, toss it in the haul pile. Remember, unless you’re moving more than an hour away – you’ll more than likely be returning home to visit during the Fall, Christmas and Spring breaks, so you don’t have to pack everything in your closet. Pack clothing that you’ll wear during the current season. This will cut down on the amount of clothing you’ll have to fit in your dorm room.

It’s time to toss the old toys. Parents, we know watching your child go off to college can be hard, but keeping their old baby toys isn’t going to make them young again. If the rocking horse in the basement hasn’t been taken for a ride since 1997, toss it in the haul pile. This also includes the old Dr. Suess books, Beanie babies, Barbie dolls, action figures, you name it. If it’s old and isn’t being used anymore, add it to the haul pile.

Now, we aren’t saying just because you’re little one is moving out that you have to throw out everything that belongs to them, but it’s time to do some spring cleaning. So don’t be afraid to sift through their room, closet and old toy boxes in order to make more space in your home.
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