Stage Your Home Like a Professional

staging a home for saleIf you’re putting your home on the market, you’re probably not looking forward to the steps between staking a “for sale sign” in your yard and signing the final papers. Selling your home means preparing to pack all your stuff, leave the house at a moment’s notice so potential buyers can peruse your layout, and facing some ugly truths about the junk you have lying around. One of the greatest challenges, however, is learning to look past years of bias to stage your house for sale. Stage your home like a professional with these tips from Mr Junk.

4 Tips for Staging a Home for Sale

  1. Clean it out. The first step in selling real estate is bringing your home back to basics. That typically means muting colors, removing statement decor, and getting rid of home clutter. Make staging (and your eventual move) twice as easy by planning a Junk It Day before you put the house on the market. Clean out closets, storage spaces, and cluttered corners of your counters that will distract buyers from the layout of your home.
  2. Bring in a friend. Not only does enlisting help bring extra manpower to junk hauling and redecorating, friends can often offer a fresh perspective. A close friend will tell you (frankly but kindly) about those scuff marks you’ve learned to look past in the dining room. They’ll also provide some much-needed support when you finally paint over your kids’ growth charts in the kitchen.
  3. Don’t stuff it all in the junk closet. Potential buyers want to know how much home storage you have available. That means they’ll likely sneak peeks into your cabinets, closets, and junk rooms. If you simply can’t say goodbye to your unused stuff, move it to a recycling facility or (if you have access) to your new home.
  4. Call in the professionals. You have enough to worry about at home. Let us deal with hauling your unwanted junk. We’ll load up your old furniture, boxes of clothes for donation, and broken electronics and haul them off to local recycling facilities. All you need to worry about is how to stage the clean space we leave behind.

For more information on junk hauling before a move, call Mr Junk.

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